Leicester fans are lazy – Let’s slow the pace and widen the variety- Enzo Maresca blow hot

Enzo Maresca has consistently expressed gratitude for the support of Leicester City’s fans, but Becky Taylor believes that both the fans and the team can improve their performance at home and away.

As a dedicated enthusiast of football chants, I have some concerns about the majority of our fanbase and their delivery of our songbook.

The initial excitement of the Premier League has worn off, and I had hoped that the Championship would bring a new energy to our atmosphere, but it has yet to meet my expectations.

After the final whistle at QPR, our fans sang ‘Harry, Harry Winks’ as he celebrated his winning goal. This is a popular tune for any player who fits, including Danny Ward, but it seems that most fans are reluctant to sing the more creative and unique chants. It’s surprising that we don’t simply sing ‘Harry, Harry, Harry’ at him, as this seems to be the trend in our quest for the laziest chants possible.

I’ve noticed that we only fully commit to singing a few songs loudly and consistently. There are typically only 3 or 4 songs that people really commit to, and others are suddenly no longer considered cool.

‘Straight back up, Leicester City’ has become the popular chant of the season, but this popularity has come at the cost of people fully embracing other chants.

I can already anticipate people asking about other songs, but the truth is that there are very few exceptions to this lack of participation.

Our loudest chants in games often focus on the opposition and their fans rather than supporting and singing about our own team.

Even Liverpool away games, although humorous to an extent, are notable for the lack of mention of Leicester in our chants. There needs to be a balance, and it’s concerning that we are more committed to chanting about other clubs than we are about our own.

And I have to say it: ‘We hate Forest, we hate Derby…’ is our worst chant.

Even when we do commit to chants, it’s as if people are racing against a countdown clock to get them finished. There seems to be an obsession with chanting at lightning speed, which only results in complete noise.

I often find myself attempting to slow everyone down by waving my arms. Our football is patient, so maybe we could apply that same patience in the stands?

I want to clarify that this rant is not aimed at Union FS. I’ve seen people criticize the singing section and their unique chants, but I believe that if more fans were open to listening and joining in, we could make progress.

We travel in impressive numbers, but it’s important to remember that supporting the team on the road is only half of the job.


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