Football Banning Order

At the outset of the current season, the Foxes Trust brought attention to a joint effort by major football organizations, including the Football Supporters Association, to Protect The Game. This initiative aims to enhance the conduct of players, managers, and fans within the sport.

One major concern highlighted by the Trust was offensive chanting, gestures, and the display of inappropriate messages related to football tragedies. To address this, new regulations and stricter measures have been put in place. Offenders will face stadium bans and potential legal action for any misconduct.

Joe Blott, a member of the FSA National Council, emphasized the importance of education and fan involvement in creating awareness and understanding of the negative impact of such behavior. He also stressed the need for consequences for those who continue to engage in inappropriate conduct.

Unfortunately, increased enforcement became necessary this month when a 20-year-old Sunderland fan was given a three-year football banning order for making an offensive gesture referencing a tragic helicopter crash during a game against Leicester City. The incident occurred close to the 5-year anniversary of the loss of the club’s chairman and four others, making it even more distressing.

The Foxes Trust supports the enforcement of the ban and urges fellow fans to report any unacceptable behavior witnessed at games. Reporting incidents to stewards or established channels is crucial in maintaining a positive and respectful environment at football grounds. If you witness unacceptable behavior on a matchday, report it by texting 6066 and starting your message with FOXES.


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