“DEBACLE” 777 Partner suffer fresh setback as new £1bn Everton suitors emerge

Everton may find salvation from the chaos of the 777 Partners debacle, as a new group has reportedly joined the race.

After months of frustration and delays, fans are desperate for stability to turn the sinking ship around. The Premier League has not provided this, but a mystery organization with deep pockets could change everything.

Investigative journalist Philippe Auclair, a vocal critic of 777 Partners, has revealed that a potential buyer with a billion-dollar commitment has emerged. This offers hope for Everton, but the Premier League remains cautious, unwilling to save the club at any cost.

777 Partners has been far from the ideal owner for Everton, but with no other viable options, they seemed like the only choice. However, their continued delays and financial troubles raise serious doubts about their ability to run the club.

The potential new buyer could bring the focus and financial backing needed to save Everton. With a massive £1bn pledge, they could rescue the club from its current crisis.

But time is running out, with a decision on 777 Partners expected by the end of the month. Everton’s future hangs in the balance, but a new hope has emerged.


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