TOTAL DISASTER “This is a completely lie,” Journalist calls out Daily Record’s anti-Celtic story on Bernabei

In recent news, a journalist from Argentina has taken issue with two of his colleagues at the Daily Record for publishing a misleading headline concerning Celtic player Alexandro Bernabei. Having recently left Celtic on loan to join Internacional, Bernabei expressed his excitement about returning to South American football and donning the prestigious Internacional shirt once more. However, the headline published in the Glasgow-based newspaper hinted at the idea that Bernabei had not been enjoying his time at Celtic, which was not supported by the quotes used in the article.

The discrepancy between the positive sentiments expressed by Bernabei and the negative spin of the headline did not go unnoticed by the journalist from Argentina, who felt compelled to call out the false narrative being portrayed by the Daily Record. Taking to social media, the journalist emphasized that the headline was a fabrication and a disservice to Bernabei. The journalist pointed out that the quotes used in the article clearly showed Bernabei’s enthusiasm and motivation to make an impact at Internacional, rather than any indication of dissatisfaction during his time at Celtic.

This incident serves as a reminder of the importance of critically analyzing media sources and not readily accepting headlines at face value. The editorial standards of the once highly respected Scottish newspaper have been called into question, with suggestions that sensationalism is prioritized over accuracy. As readers, it is imperative to be discerning and not take everything we read in the media as truth. This incident with the Daily Record serves as a cautionary tale about the pitfalls of misleading headlines and encourages a more critical approach to consuming news.


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