Green Brigade’s fearless reaction to Livingston explosion: ‘Keep Calm and Sparkle On’ statement after unveiling powerful tifo.

The Green Brigade have issued a strong response to Livingston’s recent statement, which accused them of unfurling “unapproved” tifos during their clash with Celtic last weekend. The Hoops fans had a significant presence in three of the stands at Almondvale, and the supporters group decided to share a massive tifo before kick-off to mark the 1916 Easter Rising anniversary. However, Livingston claimed in their statement that they had denied permission for the tifo on two occasions and had initiated an investigation into how the Green Brigade managed to display it inside the stadium.

In a show of defiance, the Green Brigade shared a video clip of their preparations before Celtic’s 3-0 victory over Livingston on Sunday afternoon. Alongside the footage, they delivered a straightforward message to the Livingston board: “Don’t worry, be happy”. The video also included the display of another banner that read “hold onto our title bhoys, don’t give up the dream”, which had not been authorized by Livingston. The club stated that they were expecting a different banner with the wording “You Play for Us and We’ll Sing for You”, which was also rejected.

Adding to the controversy, pyrotechnics were used in the away sections during the match, further intensifying the atmosphere at Almondvale. Despite Livingston’s disapproval, the Green Brigade’s actions have once again highlighted the passion and dedication of Celtic fans.


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