BOMBSHELL: Scottish FA faces scathing backlash over outrageous blunder with Celtic involvement.

The upcoming Celtic and Rangers derby has the potential to be marred by refereeing controversies, with the Scottish FA facing scrutiny if the match takes a contentious turn. The decision to appoint John Beaton as the referee for this high-stakes game has raised concerns and criticism, especially given the recent spotlight on his officiating decisions. Beaton’s handling of VAR technology in a previous match against Hearts at Tynecastle led to public criticism from Celtic manager Brendan Rodgers, who was subsequently slapped with a touchline ban by the SFA. Despite this, Beaton has now been entrusted with officiating what is arguably the most important game of the Scottish Premiership season thus far.

Pundit Chris Sutton has been vocal about his doubts regarding the SFA’s choice of referee for the Celtic-Rangers clash. He believes that the decision to appoint Beaton is a risky move that could exacerbate tensions between the two sets of fans. Sutton suggests that the SFA may be engaging in a power play to demonstrate their independence from external influences, but questions the wisdom of appointing a controversial figure like Beaton to such a pivotal match.

With emotions running high among both Celtic and Rangers supporters, the prospect of Beaton officiating the derby has only added to the pre-existing tension. Many fans fear that Beaton’s past controversies could influence his decisions during the game, with some concerned that he may show bias towards one side or the other. This has created a heightened sense of anticipation and unease leading up to the match, as fans on both sides brace for what could be a contentious and controversial game.

The hope among all parties involved is that Beaton will be able to navigate the match without becoming the focal point of controversy. Given the widespread frustration with the VAR rollout in Scottish football and the ongoing scrutiny of refereeing decisions, there is a desire for the focus to remain on the game itself rather than the officiating. The SFA, despite promising a review of their refereeing department following the departure of Crawford Allan, continues to face criticism for its handling of match officials. As the derby approaches, all eyes will be on John Beaton as he takes on the challenging task of officiating one of the most highly anticipated matches of the season.


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