The despicable newspaper The Sun enables vile Joey Barton to unleash terrifying criminal threats on innocent Celtic player Greg Taylor

This morning has been quite hectic for me, leaving me with little time to relax and catch up on my favorite blogs and newspapers. Sometimes, when there’s a lack of interesting stories, I reluctantly turn to The Sun, despite the negativity it often contains.

I find myself drawn to criticizing the village idiot and dismantling any anti-Celtic articles within its pages. Today, as I was preparing to criticize the village idiot, I stumbled upon an article about Joey Barton that left me in disbelief.

The article, filled with shocking language, showcases the deep-rooted hatred this publication has for our club. They dug up a story from 2016 involving Greg Taylor and Barton, where Barton unleashed a violent tirade against Taylor over a tackle from years ago when Taylor was just a young player at Kilmarnock.

The audacity and irresponsibility displayed by The Sun in allowing such verbal attacks on a professional footballer are truly concerning. This kind of malicious clickbait, designed to fuel hatred and condone violence, has no place in any publication.

Barton’s inflammatory comments only serve to highlight his own shortcomings and lack of professionalism. It’s a sorry sight to see someone stoop to such levels just for a few minutes of fame in a tabloid known for its scandalous headlines.

In conclusion, I can only shake my head in disappointment at the state of journalism represented by these types of articles. It’s a shame that The Sun stoops so low to promote hatred and violence in the name of news.


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