BREAKING NEWS: Coventry City’s Family Zone Season Tickets to be completely revamped with groundbreaking new Terms and Conditions!

After receiving feedback and observing ticket demand, Coventry City will be implementing new Terms and Conditions for Family Zone Season Ticket purchases in the upcoming 2024/25 season. Additionally, a Ticket Exchange system will be introduced to make better use of the approximately 1/3 of Family Zone seats that go unused during matchdays, allowing more supporters to take advantage of this special area and cheer on the Sky Blues.

To ensure the Arena is filled to capacity and fans can bask in the thrilling matchday atmosphere, changes will be made to the Terms and Conditions for the Family Zone area. Fans who are unable to attend a game in this section must utilize the Ticket Exchange system, with full details to be provided in the summer. Failure to exchange tickets for three or more occasions will result in the revocation of the Season Ticket for the remainder of the season, with seats offered on a match-by-match basis to qualifying individuals. Furthermore, exceeding 10 ticket exchanges will also lead to Season Ticket revocation, with no refunds provided.

Those who do not comply with these requirements will not be permitted to purchase or renew Family Zone Season Tickets for the following 2025/26 campaign. Coventry City Owner and Executive Chairman Doug King emphasized the importance of actively engaging with the club’s growing youth section and expressed gratitude for the positive response to the Family Zone area in the previous season. However, he noted the disappointment in the number of unused seats despite strong ticket sales, leading to the introduction of participation requirements and the Ticket Exchange system to ensure maximum utilization of the Family Zone and enhance the matchday experience for all supporters.


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