Scott Brown sends Celtic Jaw-dropping to Callum McGregor after Hampden reunion as trophy counter sent into overdrive

Scott Brown understood the significant obstacles that Celtic were up against. However, he found comfort in the fact that his experienced and composed former manager was leading the way. With Callum McGregor and James Forrest, two players known for their winning abilities, executing Brendan Rodgers’ plans on the field, Brown had no doubts that they would overcome any challenges.

Having won numerous trophies as a player under Rodgers, Brown expressed his unwavering trust in the manager’s abilities. Despite facing difficulties during the season, such as consecutive defeats, Brown remained steadfast in his belief in the team’s capabilities. His confidence was validated as Celtic clinched another title and secured a dramatic victory in the Scottish Cup Final against Rangers.

With McGregor and Forrest continuing to add to their impressive medal collections, Brown predicted that the duo would achieve even greater success in the future. He praised their dedication and humility, highlighting the positive impact they have had on younger players like Josh Clarke.

As Celtic prepares for a friendly match against Ayr United, where Brown serves as the manager, he acknowledged the support and assistance provided by Rodgers and the club. He emphasized the importance of showcasing championship mentality and mental strength to the players, regardless of who takes the field. Brown eagerly anticipates the opportunity to demonstrate the values of Celtic Football Club to his team through this exhibition match.


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