UNBELIEVABLE BLAST: Chris Sutton’s jaw-dropping message to the Celtic board through the ‘chaos’ unfolding at Rangers is an important one

The rivalry between Celtic and Rangers always provides an opportunity for one fanbase to poke fun at the other when things aren’t going well for their rivals. This summer, Rangers have had their fair share of troubles, from moving home games to Hampden to players like Todd Cantwell wanting out.

While it may be amusing for Celtic fans, they shouldn’t get too comfortable and rely on Rangers’ misfortunes. Former player Chris Sutton pointed out that Celtic should aim higher, focusing on success in Europe rather than just dominating domestically. With the resources and stability they have, Celtic should strive for more and not rest on their laurels.

Instead of using the chaos at Rangers as an excuse to be complacent, Celtic should use it as motivation to push themselves further and reach new heights. While it’s important to acknowledge the challenges in the transfer market, Celtic should leverage their financial resources to build a competitive team and aim for success on all fronts.

In the end, Celtic fans need to have important conversations about the club’s direction and ambitions, rather than simply reveling in their rivals’ struggles. It’s time for Celtic to set a new standard and take advantage of the opportunity to excel, regardless of what’s happening across the city.


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